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Photo report from the XVI International specialized exhibition "Electrical Networks of Russia - 2013"

9 декабря 2013, 18:02 2851 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин

In the period from 3 to 6 December 2013 , Moscow hosted the largest exhibition for the electric grid complex - "Electric Networks of Russia - 2013 ".

Over the last 16 years the "Electric Networks of Russia " attracted the attention of many professionals in the electric power industry . Every year the event is gaining popularity and authority. This contributes to the ever-expanding range of exposure, and depth of preparation and elaboration of business activities carried out in the frames of the exhibition with the assistance of the greatest experts and industry leaders.

This year the exhibition went to the next " round of evolution ": it has moved into a new 75th pavilion , as the scale of the exhibition does not allow to accommodate all visitors in a traditional 69th . Upcoming conferences, round tables and seminars met the venue and communication professionals, and some of them will be used in the formation of legislative amendments and technical policy of grid companies.

Photo exhibition and business events.

To obtain the source files with high quality - please contact the editorial office of " ELECTRICITY . Transmission and distribution »: info@eepr.ru (specify your contact information and room photos or ID in a letter).

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