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Telia Carrier deploys fiber optic cable linking Sweden with Russia

23 января 2017, 08:53 1367 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин

Nordic company Telia Carrier established a new fiber route connecting Stockholm, Sweden, with St. Petersburg, Russia, via Tallinn, Estonia, and upgraded multiple submarine cables to improve its fiber network.

The new route is said to further diversify the wholesale carrier’s network, while the upgrade enables Telia Carrier to provide 100 gigabit services to carriers, content and cloud providers in the Baltics and Russia. The mesh network extends in different directions reaching multiple cities including Riga, Latvia, and Helsinki, Finland.

As St. Petersburg and Moscow are important transit points for Asian traffic, the new route also allows Telia Carrier to service the increase in traffic coming into Europe from Asia via terrestrial cable routes from the east as well as directly from Russia, the company said.

The subsea cables reaching across the Baltic Sea have been upgraded using coherent flex-grid technology supporting 100G capacity, and future 150G and 200G services.

“As our network becomes more meshed throughout Eastern Europe and the Baltics, we are continuing to build out eastward to stay ahead of content demand and the resulting backbone traffic in the region,” said Johan Godal, global product manager for wavelength and network outsourcing services at Telia Carrier. “By extending the route from Sweden to Russia and upgrading the submarine cables in the Baltic Sea, we can now offer high-capacity and low-latency services via a highly meshed network throughout the region.”


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