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5,700 km to Russian Energy Week

15 августа 2017, 11:58 989 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин
Источник: rusenergyweek.com

The 11th Blue Corridor 2017 International Rally will end in St. Petersburg during Russian Energy Week.

This year the rally will focus on the use of liquefied natural gas in trucks. It will start in late September in Lisbon. The length of the route is 5,700 km. The event participants will travel through Madrid, Barcelona, Marseille, Milan, Ulm, Berlin, Warsaw, Kaliningrad, Riga, and Tallinn and finish in St. Petersburg at the International Gas Forum, which is being held as part of Russian Energy Week.

Roundtables are scheduled along the way with discussions on the prospects for developing the natural gas vehicle fuel market. This topic will be actively covered at the 4th Natural Gas Vehicle International Specialized Exhibition, where the latest technological developments and trends on the natural gas vehicle fuel market in Russia and around the world will be demonstrated.

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