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Simens in Russia has announced the financial results of 2013

14 ноября 2013, 13:13 1471 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин
Источник: Siemens Россия

Yesterday in Moscow, at a press event of the "Siemens" company the results of fiscal year 2013 cluster were officially announced.

During the reporting period, from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013, the turnover of the "Siemens" in Russia and Central Asia has increased by over 20% compared to the last year and reached 2.4 billion euros. New Orders amounted 2.4 billion euros.

"We are pleased with the last fiscal year , which was anniversary for " Siemens ", celebrated 160 years of German concern in Russia . In 2013, "Siemens" in Russia and Central Asia performed well and became a leader in the profitable growth of other clusters , "- the President  of " Siemens " in Russia and Central Asia Dietrich Moeller said.

The head of the Russian company talked about the main projects currently being implemented in the field of energy, urban infrastructure , industry and the health and future plans . During a press event Dietrich Moeller paid particular attention to the strategy of " Siemens ", which includes a deep localization of production in Russia , expanding regional presence and promotion of energy-efficient technologies.
Earlier, on November 7 in Berlin the financial results for "Siemens AG" were announced. New Orders Concern has increased by almost 10% compared to the previous year, reaching 82.4 billion euros.

The turnover of "Siemens AG" fell to $ 75.9 billion. Net profit is 4.2 billion euros.

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