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Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide confirms it will take part in Russian Energy Week events

31 августа 2017, 08:54 976 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин
Источник: rusenergyweek.com

Chairman of the Planning and Operation Committee of Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W) Nobuaki Aoyama has confirmed representatives of the alliance will take part in the business events of Russian Energy Week.

The Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W) was founded in 2008 to promote Japanese smart energy around the world. JASE-W organizes interaction between the government and commercial sectors.

“We hope that we will have an opportunity on Russian Energy Week platform to exchange experience on the development of renewable energy sources”," Aoyama said.

Renewable energy will be one of the central themes during Russian Energy Week. Forum participants will discuss the development strategy for alternative energy as well as joint projects involving renewable energy.

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