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Hengtong Group Makes an Appearance at SNW2019

9 октября 2019, 13:20 778 Время чтения ≈ 2 мин
Источник: Hengtong Rus

From September 16 to 18, Submarine Networks World 2019 (SNW 2019) was held in Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore. Hengtong Group attended the exhibition with its PEACE project, trans-oceanic communication solutions, submarine observation network solutions, and new submarine optical cable products, fully proved Hengtong Group`s R&D  strength, and expanded brand recognition and international influence.

Hengtong Group highlights the PEACE International Cable Project. The PEACE cable system project, based on 200G DWDM technology, will provide up to 16T design capacity of single optical fiber pair, mainly connecting Pakistan, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Kenya, South Africa and other countries. By docking with existing land cables, it will provide a new information highway for the interconnection of Asia, Africa and Europe. The Length and latency of Central Africa and Central Europe routes will be greatly reduced. At the same time, Open Cable technology is introduced into the system to provide neutral and flexible services for operators, OTT and enterprises in the region.

With the popularization of 4G network and the rise of 5G, the construction of PEACE cable will bring communication convenience to more developing countries, and will contribute to the communication level and economic development of countries along the way. Since 2018, Hengtong Group has signed landing cooperation agreements in Pakistan, Egypt, Kenya, France and other countries, and has started the production of submarine cables, repeaters and other underwater equipment. The PEACE submarine optical cable project has entered the stage of full delivery.

With the development and innovation of China's technology , Hengtong Group has made great progress in submarine optical cable technology, gradually improved its industrial chain, and made breakthroughs in submarine optical cable technology. In 2017, it passed the international sea trial of 5000 meters deep-sea cable system, becoming one of the few international manufacturers who have mastered this technology. Hengtong Group's submarine cable manufacturing capacity has reached the international leading level.

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