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GECF Ministerial Meeting and panel discussion ‘Globalization and the Prospects of the World Gas Market’ to discuss the future of ‘blue fuel’

7 сентября 2017, 18:07 925 Время чтения ≈ 1 мин
Источник: rusenergyweek.com

The Russian Energy Week business programme includes a pillar on the current state and prospects for the development of the gas industry.

In particular, Gazprom Management Committee Chairman Alexey Miller and IHS Markit Vice Chairman Daniel Yergin will speak during the panel discussion ‘Globalization and the Prospects of the World Gas Market’ during which participants will discuss how the proportion of gas in the world fuel balance will change over the next 30 years, whether the global gas market will be able to come up with and uphold general rules of competition, and whether the role of politics will diminish in global gas trade.

The GECF Ministerial Meeting chaired by Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak will be held as part of REW 2017. The Gas Exporting Countries Forum was established to coordinate the actions of the leading producers of ‘blue fuel’. The main goal of interaction among GECF participants is to ensure the reliability and security of supply and demand for gas and other energy resources.

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