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LLC "Cable TK" enters the market of cable ladder of the company "Vergokan"

1 ноября 2013, 14:56 2121 Время чтения ≈ 2 мин
Источник: Кабель ТК

In the conditions of ever-changing customer needs and the development of new technologies, the company's competitiveness depends on how successfully it is developing and introducing new products to the market. The introduction of a new product to the market by the production company - is a complex and multi-functional task, which provides protection from obsolescence of the product range.

Ltd. "Cable TK" informs you about putting new products of "Vergokan" to the market:

• For light duty series «LIGHT»
• For moderate Series «MEDIUM HEAVY»
• For heavy duty series «HEAVY»
• For longer distances between supports a series of «WIDE SPAN»
• and related accessories

Now the whole range of standard products is presented not only in the performance of 316 stainless steel, but also in the performance of 304 stainless steel.

304 stainless steel :

    • Chromium 17,5-19,5%, Nickel 8-10,5%
    • High impact resistance
    • Works well at all temperatures and at very low temperatures, ranging from-196 to + 600gr.S
    • Works well in harsh environments

316 stainless steel

    • Chromium 17,5-19,5%, Nickel 8-10,5%, Molybdenum 2-2,5%
    • High impact resistance
    • Works well at temperature and at high temperatures up to +760 oC
    • The highest corrosion resistance in comparison with the other series were
    • Works well in harsh environments, even in the presence of acids

To get more information please contact the Ltd. “Cable TC” specialists and getting the information you can order ladders of stock availability
•    e-mail: lapp7@import-kabel.ru; kabel@import-kabel.ru
•    fax: (495) 925-34-76
•    tel: (495) 925-34-76 (многоканальный)
•    adress: 125438, Moscow, Likhachev nabarezhnaya, 7

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